Literary Past

Interdisciplinary Writing | Occidental College

I don't consider myself a very good writer. Yet, I intend to progress my writing by setting more achievable goals, building on new ideas and developing new skills. I use the advice of my professors and peers and draw from previous writing experiences to better my future writing experiences. I took an English course in College and I really loved it. I feel that as a writer, I am able to give good detail when I feel strongly about a point. This is good because it gives my readers a real chance to envision what I am describing. Everything that was learned, taught and understood in my English course, has now become a vital part of my educational journey. The course gave me a new insight on reading and writing that I could not obtain in my past writing experiences. The more I write, I feel more confident in the writer in me. I will definitely cherish the life long lessons that I've been taught about writing. I, once abhorred reading and writing, but I have now learned to embrace and accept this powerful tool and incorporate it into my everyday life. 


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